Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hair Emergency!

We can’t deny that we keep torturing our hair on and on. . .it gets dyed, straightened, curled, „sculptered“ and fixed with spray, gel, wax and whatever else!! Acutally we can be happy not to end up bald one day!!

And that’s why I grant my hair some „wellness time“ and apply „Hair Doctor“ by Lush once a month! It’s perfect for scalp and hair, it activates the blood circulation of your scalp and gives your hair back what you take from it!
It’s a pre-wash mask that you leave on your scalp/hair for about 20 minutes and it leaves a fresh sensation on your scalp after rinsing! The best is, that’s it’s not even that expensive. . .between 10 and 15€ for 100 ml (depending on the length of your hair it's enough for 2 applications). . .sounds ok to me regarding its richness! Some of the ingredients are -> jojoba oil, mint and rosmary.

A little trick especially for people who keep dying their hair: I use „Hair Doctor“ before the last washing preceding the dying and at the first time I wash it after the dying prodecure. (so not during the dying procedure itself!)

Of course you can also mix a cure yourself: take a mellow avocado, a little bit of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil/olive oil. Use a fork or spoon to process all the ingredients into a paste and apply on humid hair. Let it do its job for +- 20 min. and proceed to normal washing of your hair.

All those cures/masks shouldn’t be used too often and rinse them abundantly as you don’t want your hair to look greasy! Like I already mentioned, once or twice a month regarding the condition of your hair is fine!

Another important aspect: don't dry your hair too hot!! If you can switch to a colder level/grade on your hairdryer do so (not completely cold of course but half the usual heat would already be great)!! That alone makes a huge difference!

So when thinking of spa or wellness, give your hair some credit too! It will thank you by looking awesome and healthy!!

xo T.

Friday, September 23, 2011

To Glitter Or Not To Glitter!!

During my stay in Finland I kind of became a fan of glitter hairspray. . .in Luxembourg it’s not such a common thing, you mostly only get it/wear it for carnival or so. . .

Of course you can’t wear it on every occasion (oh well actually you can but I’m not sure if it’s always „appropriated“ *grin*) but for special events, why not pimping your whole look with some sparkle in your hair? So far I applied it for (important) concerts, opera or when partying with „MY GIRLS“.

BUT be careful. . .it’s a bit of a tricky thing as you don’t want your whole face, cleavage/neckline, outfit and/or boyfriend, who accidentally stands next to you, to be full of glitter too!

If you use it for the first time it’s best to try it before on a sheet of paper or old newspaper to see how much glitter actually comes out and which is the best distance between the hair and spray as the consistency is a bit different than the one of usual hairspray. I usually cover my upper body with a bath towel and make up must also wait until „operation glitter“ is over!

In case the spray valve is blocked DON’T force anything or you might end up looking like a species from outer space. . .clean the valve (carefully!! with a thin needle or smooth tissue) and try again on some paper first. . .

You will find a bit of glitter everywhere anyway but whether you leave it as decoration (that’s the solution for the lazy ones among us) or your vacuum cleaner can glamour up its interior! (Just take care that your possible pets don’t swallow it. . .might not be the best nutrition!)

So my sweethearts, just dare to glitter!!


Concertino Styling @Seppälä

An example of how it might look.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A lot of great stuff out there only waits to be discovered!

I dedicate this first post to my cousin Nadine! During the time she stayed at our house I finally had someone with me who shared my craziness for make up and getting dressed up! *grin*

Well I'm not the kind of girl who spends hours and hours in front of her mirror every day and I also dare to go outside without wearing make up but that doesn't mean that there isn't a little glamourous diva in me too!

First I wanna point out that when buying make up and clothes not only quality is important to me, also the respect towards nature, animals and fair trade are huge concerns!

It's not always possible to buy 100% safe out of several reasons such as the place you live (plus not everyone has the possibility to order via internet), how much money you have and so on. . .but I make my best!

So here are some make up brands I made good experiences with:

- Lavera (ex. bodylotion, face cream, soap, shampoo)
- Alva (ex. cleanser)
- Lush (ex. hair masks, face cream, parfume)
- Bodyshop (ex. bodybutter, make up, creams)
- Yves Rocher (ex. make up)
- Nonique (ex. eyecare!!)

All those brands offer products that everyone can afford. It's definitely not the price that makes a product valuable and good! It's so worth to go and discover them!!

That's it for now! Enjoy and read you soon!

xo T.